Working hard each and every day.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What is Life?

Hello fellow Bloggers!
It's been a while since I've posted and now that my teacher has given us a new assignment, I have a reason to put something up!

Ms.Crosbie has been teaching us the use of "Metaphors" in poetry. A Metaphor is the comparison of two things without using like or as.
Ex. Education is a lifeboat in the ocean of the American Job Market.

Since we now know what Metaphors are I will show you the list of Metaphors to life she gave us.

Metaphors for Life

Life is...

...a game

...a dream

... a movie

... a song

... a battle

... a dance

... a journey

... a party

... an opportunity

... a mystery

The assignment was to choose one of the Metaphors that relates to life the most to us.
I chose the statement "Life Is A Game".I chose this statement because to me, life is just something that you set up for yourself and go to expect the best. Let's use the actual game of "Life" as an example. You set up all the pieces and the paths you could take and roll the die to see where you will go. You get a number and move forward in life. Kind of like going to sleep and experiencing the next day. Perhaps on your next roll you get a special treat or surprise card. That is like one day getting sudden news that you won something or maybe that you get a treat at Mc.Donald's that day.

To me life is just a game that you play each day. You can play a gambling game of life, just living on bets and never knowing what is going to happen next. Or you can play a scientific game. Learning about possible out comes and things you have to do to make life more exciting. There are many ways Life is like a game, since you never know what is going to happen the next day. It's all like a game of Chess I suppose. Some people are pawns and others have to move in certain directions to make moves happen.

So, that is why I think life is like a game. Life is just something that happens and has many unexpected moves.

Thanks for reading!
I'd love to hear your opinions on what Metaphor best suits life.

Now that this is done I should get back to
work on our final literacy project

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Black And White Question 1

    Q- Being the only family of a different race in Thomas' area, how do you think the Smiths ( Denyse's family ) are singled out? Do you think others treat them differently than other families? Do you think that Denyse is affected by this? Give 3 possible situations that could occur from this.

    In my opinion, I think that Denyse could have some troubles at school. Perhaps there are some prejudices towards her race. In the pages where they are at the movies, Bridget thinks it's weird that Denyse, and Thomas haven't taken a drag from a cigarette. Bridget may have been making an assumption towards Denyse's race, and how Thomas really enjoys basketball. It sounded like she was following a stereotype.

    I also think that Denyse is expected to be a certain way. Because of certain stereotypes, Denyse must have been expected to play basketball, be tall, etc. That could be another troublesome thing for her.

    My final thought, is that perhaps some topics can't be touched because of Denyse's race. My french teacher once said," Had he not have been your friend, or so close to you, you would not be able to joke around like that." When Thomas said "We don't hang around with their kind." He meant 7th graders. Nothing towards her race, however his mother thought the opposite. She thought he was making a racist remark and since Denyse is of a different race, that topic wasn't to be joked about.

Alright! Now I'd love to hear your input on this question. Leave a comment and I'll respond right away!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

If I Had 100$

    What would you do with 100$? New toys, books, maybe an Ipod? That would be the typical answer now a days.  However would the thought of giving developing countries these gifts cross your minds? Perhaps you could pass up some of your toys and books. These items would mean a lot for other children who can't afford them.

    This assignment had us research the following organizations and what kind of Ethical gifts that they had to offer. First, I will give the organization and brief description and then I will give you a definition on what Ethical gifts are.

    An organization that works toward helping peoples basic human rights. Workers combine to create support in humanitarian research in the long term. They also research the root causes against poverty and injustice. They have a total of 28 programs all over the world, and partner with over 100.

    Salvation Army
    A christian organization that first started in Canada in 1882. Salvation army gives support to those vulnerable in 400 communities across Canada. They also help in over 120 countries world wide. They provide shelter for families and children, and also offer help for those who lost themselves to addiction.

    Plan Canada
    Plan Canada's work is based around helping children out of poverty. They help them with education, health, water and sanitation, protection, economic security, emergencies, human rights, and sexual health including HIV. They work in an attempt to someday take the children out of harms way and into a world like ours.

    World Vision
    World vision is another Christan organization that is dedicated to work for children, like Oxfam fights against injustice and poverty in developing countries. They are motivated to help those in need regardless of religion, sex, or race.

    Now that you know a little about the organizations, I can explain to you what ethical gifts are.

   Ethical Gifts   Are gifts that can be bought with money, or a gift card. Many of you may have seen the commercial where the family ends up having goats bought for them. When instead they meant for it to be bought for a developing country. Ethical gifts are a great way to help support help in other countries while at the same time knowing where your money goes.

Almost each site had a ton to choose from in the following categories:
  • Animals
  • Water
  • Disease
  • Education
  • Prevention
  • Safety
  • Human Rights
  • Sanitaion
  • Food
   Now, with so many choices how was I do decide where my 100$ would go? I looked towards the cheapest but most effective options. After browsing through each organizations choices, I wrote down what each organization had to offer.

    Oxfam Unwrapped
Cheapest Gift- Seeds 3 bags 12$. Most expensive, Disaster Preparedness 1300$. 39 options.
Salvation Army Gifts Of Hope

10 options, cheapest being a 10$ donation that they decide what it goes to. Most expensive being 200$ towards adult literacy.
Plan Canada Gifts Of Hope
42 options. Cheapest is a baby blanket for 10$, most expensive is a complete water solution for 25,000$.
Lastly, World Vision Gift Catalogue
97 options. Cheapest is a set of school supplies for a child that costs 25$. The most expensive is 15,000$ going towards protecting, rehabilitating, and re-integrating girls in Cambodia. This helps 9 girls.

I think this post is getting towards a "To long, Didn't Read" status so I'll just start to wrap this up.

Since I saw that World Vision had a lot to choose from, I started there. However, each gift only applied to one family, or one child. I want to help a lot of people with my money! So I went over to Salvation Army's site and saw what they had. I saw a great deal on goats that would only cost me 40$. Goats can provide a family with business and food in the milk they produce and once they are older can be killed for it's food and pelt. Now I still had 60$ left. While I continued to browse Salvation Army's site, I stumbled upon some mosquito nets for 12$. These will provide safety against malaria. A life threatening disease spread by mosquito. With the nets, families will be protected while they sleep and work from the insects.

I still have 48 dollars to spend! With my extra money I surfed over to Plan Canada to see what they could give me. I saw a ton of great deals and saw an option for giving mango tree's to a country. These cost 12$ and would provide food, shade, and business for communities in need. Surprisingly, I'm still left with money! 36$ is what I continued to browse the sites with. Plan Canada also offered a good deal with baby chicks! For 15$ I could give a village 3 baby chicks. These would give the village education, for children just learning to farm, food, and income with the eggs they will produce later on. The chicks will be two females and a male so that they can soon have more chicks when they are full grown.

Now I'm left with 21$. Looking at the last site, Oxfam, jumped out with an offer for 8 quality school books. For 22$ I could buy 8 school books that will go to a village and educate lots of children who desperately need an education to get on in life. These books can be shared with many generations and will help teach children of all ages.

Even though I went over a dollar, my teacher was kind enough to pitch in an extra buck for the cause.
I think the gifts I chose will help all the people they were given too. They are gifts that will keep providing and will help many more people than just one family. But I chose the gifts from different organizations to get a good deal for the money I was given. I want to give a village the best of what I could afford so browsing and purchasing from different sites was what I chose to do.

What would you purchase with 100$? Would you buy for yourself? Or someone else?


Ps. No I didn't actually spend 100$ my teacher gave me! This was for an assignment to see what we would do with 100$. : )